About Our Programs
There’s an ebb and flow when it comes to chronic conditions. Some days, it feels like we’re wrestling with the current. Some days, we have to learn how to swim ashore. And some days, when the current is in our favor, we need to learn to sit back and enjoy the ride. There’s no doubt: life with chronic conditions can be unpredictable.
At The Life Energy Foundation, our programs are designed to not only improve your health, but to give you confidence—so that you can enjoy the good days, and have resilience through the hard ones.

Current Programs
Improving life & health for those who want to manage chronic conditions, and those who want to avoid them.
Location: Online
Being healthy is hard, especially when you don’t know which path to take. This 30-day, self-monitored online program provides action-steps to help you feel better. For participants, it has resulted in increased energy, reduced stress, weight loss, better sleep, and improved blood pressure and cholesterol. Learn More >>
Make yourself more fall resilient, improve your quality of life and have some fun in the process!
Date & Location: TBD
Studies show that the ability to get up and down off the floor is directly linked to longevity. Yep, that little annoying action of getting down on the floor and back up might be your ticket to longevity and not just years, but increased function too. We have developed a program geared specifically to improve your ability to do just that – get up and down off the floor. Learn More >>
Geared toward regaining physical and cognitive function so you can get back to enjoying activities.
Location: MD/DC-Area, or online
Our goal is to provide you with exercises and homework geared toward regaining physical and cognitive function so you can get back to enjoying activities. No one has a magic wand to tell how much you will REGAIN, which is why this program is so important. It will help set up protocols for an ongoing program for stroke survivors. With your participation, data, and feedback, we can design a successful program for real-life people like you. Learn More >>
Regarding health insurance coverage: Currently, the health care system does not generally cover for Medical Exercise and Post Rehab Training. However, there have been some instances where our clients have been reimbursed. It is reimbursable in most cases through FSA and HSA. We are working diligently, on your behalf, with insurance providers and corporate wellness/HR departments to secure coverage or partial funding for our programs.